Dell OMSA 7.0 “res://ieframe.dll/” displaying error

Today I had to check a hardware log on one of our Dell Windows Servers with Dell OMSA ver 7.

Therefore, to access to the host, I launched Dell OpenManage Server Administrator 7 from the desktop icon below as usual.

And, I clicked”Continue to this website (not recommended)”to keep going.

However, I got “res://ieframe.dlll/” error as below and was not able to access to iDrac console pages.

To workaround, I was able to access to the iDrac console directly, but would like to fix this issue since it is very simple.

Here is what I did to fix as following steps:

I opened Internet Options from the Control Panel

1. Go to Security Tab.

2. Select Internet Zone

3. click to open Custom level…

4. Scroll down to Scripting> Active Scripting from Disable to “Enable

When you tried to Open OMSA pages, it opened as I expected.